Saturday, February 27, 2016

Week 7 Reading Diary: continued, Epified TV in India (Part B)

Title: Epified TV in India
Author(s): Unknown
Created: April 2015
Bhima fighting Bakasura the rakshasa (Wiki)

The book did not cover the many trainers Karna tried to attain in archery. He was not able to because he was not of the right status. It is crazy how when two people are not of the same status that they are not allowed to interact. The sad part is that if the “lower” is better than the “upper”, then the lower is punished.

In this story, the Pandavas were able to escape the fire, but no one was actually in this fire. In the book, there was another five men and a woman who were killed in their place.

In Episode 24, Bhima was shown to be the greatest hero in keeping the pandavas and their mother alive. I did not know that he did all these great things for his family. A story similar to this would be good for storytelling. I also enjoyed the story about Bhima killing the rakshasa.

A good story from Episode 27 would be when Duryodhana tries to lift Drupada’s bow. What was going through his head, what he looked like, and how he felt after are just a few of the things that could be covered.

What it would be like to be a person from Hastinapura that goes to live in the Pandavas new city. This is a completely different idea from my typical. It would be the outside point of view of the Pandavas, and how awesome they might have seemed to the people. From the eyes of a child would be very neat as well.

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