Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Week 4 Reading Diary, continued: Nine Ideal Indian Women: Sita, Promila, and Shakuntala

Title: Nine Ideal Indian Women: Sita, Promila, and Shakuntala
Author: Sunity Devee
Year: 1919

Part B: Promila and Shakuntala

Indrajit’s Rage

This is slightly gruesome, but I could write a story where the kingdom sent repeated messengers to tell Indrajit of the grave state of Lanka and his giant brother, but he never believed them and killed them. Then, finally, someone he knows, his sweet old nurse as a child comes, and he believes her. This is nothing more than an expansion on the current story, giving it a more detailed reason as to why he wouldn’t believe anyone.

Promila – The Alternate Ending 

The ending of this broke my heart. Even though they were technically the bad guys, the writers of this story really made me root for Indrajit and Promila’s love. Though still sad, this alternate ending would consist of Indrajit still dying (because, well, he has to so Rama can win), but Promila becomes a strong woman, and lives out her days with her maidens in paradise. I could discuss how she came to this decision, and the journey back. 
Promila and Her Maidens (Nine Ideal Indian Women)

Bharat Becomes King

In this side story, I would show the transition to when Bharat, the son of Dushmanta and Shakuntala, goes from prince to King. Maybe a series of tests? Or his father is waiting for something specific? Maybe someone made a prediction on what Dushmanta and Shakuntala were looking for to know the time their son should be king. I plan on making his demeanor and attitude to all people the same that his mothers would be. At the end, Dushmanta and Shakuntala will retire to the forest as hermits, just as the prediction.

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