Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Week 5 Reading Diary: R.K. Narayan's The Mahabharata (Part A)

Title: The Mahabharata
Author: R.K. Narayan
Year: 1978

Part A
Vyasa telling the story of The Mahabharata (Wiki)

Ganga Raises Devavratha

This possible story could be the few years where Ganga takes Devavratha into the river to train him.  Maybe it could include some other Gods he met while preschool age, and a more in-depth version of the things he learned while with his mother.  There could even be a part where Santanu is waiting at the river impatiently every week, hoping his son would appear.

Arjuna vs. Karna
This is way off normal track, but this could be a story where King Dhritarashtra literally sees things for the first time where he keeps dreaming of fights between Arjuna and Karna, where each subsequent duel is more realistic, and more compelling.  Dhritarashtra is confused, and tells no one but his wife, who is at a loss for what to do.  One day, the King dreams that Arjuna is dueling his son, Duryodhana, and he is nearly stricken with death at the thought.

More About Draupadi

There is an excerpt in the book that is a mini story telling of Draupadi's previous life as Nalayani.  I think it would be a fun idea to expand on this small portion of the text.  I think giving her a more realistic and exciting front would be interesting, as not too much is said about her.  I could do the flip of this, and make something similar to a diary entry, one entry for each husband she has.  I might not be able to do this yet, because I am just now to the part where they decide how she will be split up.

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