Saturday, January 16, 2016

Introduction of Spring 2016: My Last Semester!

Nice to Meet You!

Hello everyone!! My name is Whitney. This is my last semester at OU, and my major is Petroleum Engineering. I currently work as a reservoir engineer intern at an oil company (and I hope to stay there once I graduate).

I have been married for five years this May, and we have a 3-year-old little girl. These two make up my entire world; everything else in my life is just bonus. I decided to go back to school when she was born, and here I am almost done!

(Left: me, Right: my husband.  Photo taken by my niece, Christmas party, December 2015)

We have two dogs: Lily, a wire terrier, and Jewels, a Stafford shire terrier. They are both inside dogs, and are as spoiled as can be. Their butts never touch a cold floor, ever.

My favorite movie of all time is Pitch Perfect. I saw the second one as well, and it is great, but it’s got nothing on the first. My favorite book is “Someone Like You” by Sarah Dessen. My favorite TV show is Grey’s Anatomy by Shonda Rhimes.

I have so many hobbies! Both ones I currently attempt in my little free time, as well as those I want to start again or try for the first time. Currently I like to sew, crochet, and paint. I would like to dip my artistic side into quilting, quilling, pottery, writing short stories, and many more! I love all things arts-and-crafts style, and when I finally get out of school and stop doing homework, I hope to try them all.

My favorite food is Mexican. This is tragic, because my husband’s least favorite food is Mexican (*sigh). I just have to be creative when I go out with friends, and sometimes attempt to con them when it’s my turn to decide on a meal.

If I had to describe one of my favorite days, it would be the day we went to Disneyland last August. I’ve never seen anything as magical as this, and it was truly surreal.

(Left to right, me, my daughter, my husband.  Photo taken by my sister-in-law, Disneyland castle, August 2015)

One of my favorite quote's is

What others think of you is none of your business


Once I finally discovered this truth, I was able to live how I wanted to, without trying to please or prove to everyone else who I should be. I answer to many names, but in the end I'm one in the same, and I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.

And now here is a HILARIOUS video.
Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan-Tatum on Lip Sync Battle


  1. Oh, how lovely that you have a little girl of your own, Whitney — and such a cute age! I hope you will learn some stories in this class that you might want to share with her; there are some children's books among the reading options for this class, along with the more for-grown-ups versions of the epics. Here is the list of children's books if you are curious: India - children's books. And the lesson you learned about now comparing yourself to others and not letting them sit in judgment over you is at the heart of the growth mindset and some of the other challenges I hope people will explore in this class, in addition to the epics. So when you get to the growth mindset post at the end of the Orientation week, just think of your favorite quote and you will see the connection. I hope you will enjoy the class!

  2. Hi Whitney! Wow, I'm impressed that you've been able to complete college in a couple years with a small child. Congrats on your internship and being almost done! I've heard good things about Grey's Anatomy but didn't want to start watching a long show because I thought I'd get sucked in and watch too much. Is it worth the investment of time?

  3. Hi, Whitney! I love your favorite quote! It gave me a nice little chuckle when I read it, but it is so true. After reading your introduction, I get the impression that you have incredible time-management skills. Petroleum Engineering, a child, a husband, and multiple hobbies?! You must be the queen of efficiency. I must admit that I am jealous. What is your secret? Since you are interested in writing short stories, I bet you are excited to take this class. Maybe some of the stories you write can be written with your daughter in mind. I bet she would love to be read something that her own mother wrote.

    Thank you for sharing a little info about yourself!

  4. Whitney, I am glad to meet another Petroleum Engineer in this course. Congrats on finishing up your degree (I’m jealous!). My girlfriend and I are avid Grey’s Anatomy fans! We definitely binged watched all the seasons. Another thing in common is the love for Mexican food. I used to live near San Antonio so I miss all of the great Mexican restaurants down south.
    Anyways, it was great to meet you and am looking forward to reading your story.

  5. Hey, Whitney, it's nice to meet you! I'm also graduating this semester, super exciting right?

    I think it's so great that you've been married for five years now, and with a little one (well, who is becoming not so little.) Congratulations!

    I also like your quote! My favorite quote is, "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." And I feel like that goes well along with your quote!

  6. Whitney, it is nice to see a fellow petroleum engineer and also congratulations on graduating so soon! I feel your pain with the conflict of Mexican food. I am currently teaching my girlfriend to love Mexican food as much as I do. I like the picture you have a Disneyland. I recently went to Disneyworld and it is a fun experience to have.

  7. Hey Whitney,
    I want to wish you all the best for your studies and Congratulations in advance. By reading your introduction I really feel like you are artistic and talented. I would love to see some of your art and craft works. Wow I really want to go to Disneyland and I am glad it is one of your favorite days. Good luck.

  8. Hi Whitney! I am a petroleum engineering major on my last semester as well. I think it is pretty crazy how many of us ended up in this class together. I have to agree that pitch perfect two just doesn’t measure up to the original pitch perfect. I have never heard your quote before, but I like it. It’s an interesting way to look at it. Good luck finishing this last semester up and in your career!

  9. Hey Whitney! It was fun to read a little bit about you!
    Good luck and congratulations on your last semester of Petroleum Engineering. I can only imagine how difficult that must be, especially with a 3-year-old at home. My favorite food is Mexican as well! I could eat tacos and burritos all day everyday.
    It was nice virtually meeting you!

  10. Hi Whitney!

    Your daughter is so cute! I give you all of the kudos for being able to study petroleum engineering while raising a child. You must be extremely excited to graduate. I will agree with you on Pitch Perfect. After seeing the second one, my boyfriend and I both agreed that the first one was by far the better one. It was nice meeting you through this class. I look forward to reading many of your stories this semester!

  11. Hey there Whitney! It was great reading about you! My favorite show is Grey's Anatomy too! Did you see the new season? To die for! Pitch Perfect is my favorite as well all because of 'Fat Amy'. I swear I only watch some movies because she's in it. Your goal orientation is wonderful and I hope you do achieve everything you set your mind on. Good luck!

  12. Nice to meet you, Whitney! Your daughter is absolutely adorable, especially in that picture -- what's cuter than the happiest day of a kid's life? How awesome that you and your husband were able to give her that experience!
    I totally admire you for going back to school while raising a child. I have a few friends who are currently trying to manage both and I have nothing but respect for people who are able to make it work. Congratulations on being almost done, and good luck with he rest of your semester!

  13. You seem as if you would be a delight to be around! Congratulations on your long and happy marriage and your future career. I can’t even imagine what it was like to be at Disneyland the place is surely something so wonderful you could hardly describe it. I’m also a senior this year, which is great! I started college late as well, and it’s been a long road to get where I’am. I had to do remedial classes before I transferred and then breaks. It was a mess, but I’m here. Almost, 10 years later (I graduated that long ago… I feel so old). It feels so wonderful, and I’m also very excited to get back to my favorite hobbies!

  14. Whitney,

    It's nice to see another petroleum engineer in this class. Good luck getting a job when you graduate. I don't know how you have the time to keep up with any hobbies in our major. Mexican food is also one of my favorite foods, I just wish there were more options for it in Norman. Have a good rest of the semester.


  15. Hey Whitney!
    We're in the same group for project feedback AND blog commenting this week, so I hope you don't get sick of reading my work :P
    You and your family look so happy at disneyland! I have to confess, I have never been myself (gasp!) At this point, I probably won't until I have a child of my own (it would be pretty weird for a twenty year old man to go by himself to disneyland)
    I'm really impressed that you're able to have any freetime at all between school, work, and raising a family. Amazing! You put my time management skills to shame.
    Well, I'm looking forward to reading two of your stories this week! Best wishes,


  16. Hi Whitney!
    Mexican food is also one of my favorites, except luckily for me, my wife is a quarter Mexican, so she loves it, too. I'm also graduating at the end of this semester, so I understand your excitement. Your dogs sound cute! My wife and I are looking to get a Shiba Inu. Good luck after graduation! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Hi Whitney! It is awesome to hear that this is your last semester and I hope the best for you after college! It is funny how spoiled your dogs are because my dog is the same way. My girlfriend loves to spoil him. I think it is a great that you have so many unique hobbies. I love Mexican food as well, I don’t know how anyone doesn’t. It was great to read about you. Good luck the rest of the way!

  18. Whitney, You and your husband are so cute! You really do have a lot of hobbies and many fall under that “homemaker” category. I would like to be more domestic like you. What kinds of things do you sew? My sister also knows how to sew and makes me the most beautiful pillows and also even made me a bed skirt! Nice to “meet” you!

  19. Hi Whitney!

    I love the setup of your blog. It looks great. Congrats on graduating soon. A Petroleum engineering degree is a big accomplishment! I love the video that you put in this post. I have seen it before but it never fails to make me laugh. I went to DisneyWorld a couple months ago and although I have not been to DisneyLand it was still very magical.


  20. Hello Whitney. I am also a fan of Lip Sync Battle. That show is hilarious no matter who they put on stage! But more importantly, congratulations on the upcoming graduation. I am sure that your family is really proud of you. And I hope that you are able to stay at the company that you are interning with or go somewhere else if that's what you want for your career. Good luck with the rest of the semester. Your family is lucky to have you.
