Saturday, March 5, 2016

Time Time Time

We talk about time so much that we waste it just talking about it.  I plan so many things to get done in a day.  Each one is based on a realistic time frame that I have pre-set.  Then real life happens.  The baby's running a fever, my husband building a mailbox (that is literally what he is doing right now in front of me!), or I end up in a never ending loop of netflix (see below -__- ). 

This semester, I have yet to have two consistent weeks, and I don't even mean in a row.
I set my schedule as two hours Monday, two hours Wednesday, and two hours Friday.  So far, the Monday and Friday have been pretty close to dead on.  Wednesday is my jumping day.  Sometimes I do four hours Monday and two on Friday, and other times just time opposite.  Tuesday and Thursday have come into play once or twice too!  Whatever I'm doing seems to be working because I haven't missed an assignment yet!

For the second half of the semester, I would like to finish things earlier.  Based on past experience, this will probably not happen.  Despite this, I will still try!

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